Membership supports the professional development of your workforce, particularly your current senior leaders and emerging leaders. It supports leaders to be at the cutting edge of thinking and practice in public administration, and to build their networks with others engaged in the profession or who support public purpose work – industry and community organisations, tertiary institutions and local, state, and federal government agencies.
Organisational membership supports IPAA Queensland’s mission of enhancing the capability and professionalism of public administration across Queensland. It makes a statement. It says that your organisation is genuinely committed to making an important contribution towards achieving better outcomes for Queenslanders. Membership achieves this by supporting growth in thought‐leadership within your organisation and the public purpose sector more broadly.
Our organisational memberships are open to government departments, agencies and statutory bodies at local, state and federal levels throughout Queensland. We also welcome memberships from private and not-for-profit organisations that are engaged in public purpose and from universities.
Membership includes:
- Seats at our annual flagship Chief Executives and Emerging Leaders Breakfast
- Attendance at the annual Irene Longan Oration
- Discounted pricing on unlimited (until exhausted) seats for ticketed events (such as Stewards on the Couch and Challenger events)
- Early promotion of all IPAA events via key organisational contacts
- Recognition of membership via promotion in IPAA Queensland website
- And other benefits
To learn more about our organisational memberships, get in touch with us today.
Our organisational members
IPAA is delighted to serve the following Queensland Government organisations as core members:
Crime and Corruption Commission
Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business
Department of Education
Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation
Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Department of Housing and Public Works
Department of Justice
Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development
Department of Primary Industries
Department of Sport, Racing and Olympic and Paralympic Games
Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Department of Trade, Employment and Training
Department of Transport and Main Roads
Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism
Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support
Health and Wellbeing Queensland
Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management
Public Sector Commission
Public Trustee of Queensland
Queensland Audit Office
Queensland Corrective Services
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
Queensland Fire Department
Queensland Health
Queensland Police Service
Queensland Treasury