
  1. the acronym for the Institute of Public Administration Australia
  2. the professional association for public sector employees and others interested or engaged in public purpose work

IPAA Queensland is the professional association for public servants across Queensland and anyone interested or engaged in public purpose work.


Our Mission

Advance the capability, integrity and professionalism of public administration and promote pride in service.

We do this through a strategic program of thought leadership events that enable our members to build their connections, challenge their thinking and stay informed about topics and issues relevant to public purpose.

our values

Inclusiveness – inclusive of and relevant to the rich diversity of ideas, people, organisations and sectors engaged in public purpose work; deliberately inclusive in all that we do

Integrity – honest and ethical behaviour and leadership, providing an independent and safe place for honest and courageous conversations

Service – commitment to service, to positive impacts on members, partners, and friends and on the communities and citizens we serve.


  • Be the voice for the profession of public administration and public purpose work
  • Provide opportunities for professional development that bring together the latest in thought leadership and best practice
  • Build an engaged following of individuals and organisations from across all levels of government, academia, community and industry sectors and across all levels from junior to senior roles and university students
  • Enhance the positive reputation of public administration and public purpose work.

As a professional association, IPAA is uniquely positioned to bring people together from local, state and federal government and from business, community organisations and universities who are engaged in public purpose work.

As an independent, apolitical organisation, IPAA provides a safe and trusted platform for robust discussions and debates.

IPAA is your professional association. Our priorities and agenda, shaped by your feedback, will prepare you for current and future challenges facing public administration. We will continue to evolve and look to expand our offerings in response to your interests and the ever-changing public sector landscape.

Becoming a member of IPAA Queensland demonstrates your personal commitment to your career and to the profession of public administration. Membership offers you exclusive development and networking opportunities and connects you with some of the most active and influential people engaged in public administration and public purpose.

If you’re a public servant or engaged in public purpose work, we encourage you to get to know and connect with IPAA Queensland.

Build connections. Challenge your thinking. Keep informed. It’s your IPAA.


Our History

IPAA’s origins go back almost 100 years – to 1922 when the Royal Institute of Public Administration was established in London.

Looking to the UK, Australian states followed suit with the first IPAA established in South Australia in 1927 followed by all states over the next four decades.

Today there are IPAA divisions in all states and territories across Australia whose individual and organisational members come from all tiers of government and the wider public administration and public purpose community.

A National Office provides support services for IPAA nationwide and a National Council, with representatives from each IPAA division, sets IPAA’s strategic direction.

IPAA continues to hold strong relationships with international public administration associations including the Institute of Public Administration New Zealand (IPANZ), the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).

In Queensland, IPAA was established in 1953 and operated until 2012. After a five-year hiatus, the Queensland Government Chief Executive Leadership Board endorsed the re-establishment of IPAA and in May 2017, IPAA Queensland was softly relaunched.

In November 2018, IPAA Queensland was registered as a not-for-profit association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.

About our Events

Since that time, IPAA has re-engaged and connected thousands of public servants and leaders from non-government sectors through our curated program of thought leadership events, which can include:

  • The annual Irene Longman Oration, in honour of Queensland’s first female elected to the Queensland Parliament
  • The annual Chief Executives and Young Professionals breakfast bringing together those in the early stages of their career to hear the latest thinking on topical issues and engage in discussions with their senior leaders and peers
  • Full day forums  addressing complex, cross cutting policy challenges facing Queensland communities, held simultaneously in Brisbane and across multiple regional centres
  • Stewards on the Couch, an informal conversation style interview and networking event featuring Queensland chief executives sharing insights from their career and leadership journey and visions for public purpose work, held several times each year
  • Challenger Seminars, an event series that bring together a panel of the brightest minds in a particular field, held a few times throughout the year
  • Online events and webinars presented in collaboration with our corporate and organisational partners