2025 Edelman Trust Barometer Trust and the Crisis of Grievance

With 2025 being the 25th year of the Edelman Trust Barometer report being released, this year’s global report tells a sobering tale in regards to the state of trust. 

The global report, released at the recent World Economic Forum Annual General Meeting in Davos, captures the thoughts of over 33,000 people across 28 countries with insights regarding institutional failures and mechanisms such as elections failing pushing communities to the brink and trust indexes declining across all major organisation types. 

As shared on the Edelman website, the latest report has revealed a shift to acceptance of aggressive action, with political polarisation and deepening fears giving rise to a widespread sense of grievance. 

So, what are some other the key insights from across the globe shared in this report?  Check out our summary below: 

Majority hold grievances against government, business, and the rich
Sixty-one percent globally have a moderate or high sense of grievance, which is defined by a belief that government and business make their lives harder and serve narrow interests, and wealthy people benefit unfairly from the system. 

Widespread grievance is eroding trust across the board
Those with a high sense of grievance distrust all four institutions (business, government, media, and NGOs). 

Hostile activism is seen as a legitimate tool to drive change
To bring about change, 4 in 10 would approve of one or more of the following forms of hostile activism: attacking people online, intentionally spreading disinformation, threatening or committing violence, damaging public or private property. This sentiment is most prevalent among respondents ages 18-34 (53 percent approve of at least one). 

So…what is the solution?  What needs to be done to restore trust?

1. Grievances must be addressed
The institutional failures of the last 25 years have produced grievances around the world, stifling growth and innovation in turn. To lead through this crisis, understand the economic realities of your stakeholders, champion shared interests, and create opportunities for optimism. 

2. Business has a license to act
Those with a higher sense of grievance are more likely to believe that business is not doing enough to address societal issues. To navigate these expectations, understand where you have obligations, act on behalf of your stakeholders, and advocate for your organisation. 

3. Business can’t act alone
Business, government, media, and NGOs must work together to address the root causes of grievance and enable trust, growth, and prosperity. Invest in local communities, quality information, and job skills. Deliver results that benefit everyone fairly. 

4. With trust, optimism eclipses grievance
When institutions can’t be trusted to do what is right, grievances fester and outlooks darken. To dissipate grievance and increase optimism, prioritize and rebuild trust across your organization and local communities. 

 Want to read more? 

 Check out the press release from Edelman here, and to see more of the full report findings, visit the Edelman website here. 

 It is time to keep informed.