The CEO/YP Breakfast 2019 – Reimagining the future of public purpose work
On the 27th February 2019, IPAA Queensland was delighted to host over 500 attendees at its flagship annual Chief Executives & Young Professionals Breakfast.
Held at the iconic Brisbane City Hall, professionals from across local, state and federal Governments, not for profits, consulting and university sectors converged to reimagine public purpose work in the next economy and the skills they will need to create positive community impact.
IPAA Queensland President, Robert Setter set the tone for the event and defined public purpose for the audience:
“The work undertaken by community and industry organisations, government agencies and universities that has as its purpose public impact or benefit.”
“The Future of Public Purpose Work” will continue to be the theme for our 2019 events as IPAA Queensland supports all sectors to be ready for the changing landscape on the horizon.
Dr Angus Hervey from Future Crunch provided an inspiring, powerful and indeed optimistic keynote address showcasing stories from across the globe of how scientific breakthroughs and technological advances are creating a better world for more and more people. Attendees also had the opportunity to consider the implications of the address for the work of their own organisations, followed by a dialogue with Angus.
“Think of the information you consume as a diet – add more of the good stuff to help shape your view of the world.”
“What is your Adaptability Quotient? The most important skill for the 21st century is how adaptable you are to learning how to do new things.”
“Technology is not unnatural. Technology is human. Technology has always been an intimate part of human evolution. Technology doesn’t replace – it augments.”
These are just some of the great pearls of wisdom shared by Dr Hervey at the 2019 CEO/YP Breakfast.
The breakfast also provided an opportunity for attendees to consider Dr Hervey’s presentation in the context of their own organisations via table discussions. The discussions were supported by our IPAA ‘Rovers’ comprising six of IPAA Queensland’s 2018 Top 10 Young Leaders.
This event signals and amplifies IPAA Queensland’s purpose and mission. We promote and enhance the professionalism, capability and integrity of public administration and pride in public service.
If you’re a public servant or engaged in public purpose work, we encourage you to get to know and connect with IPAA Queensland. Find out more about us by reading more on our site or through joining as a member here.
IPAA Queensland members can watch the entire event recording on the members portal.
Build connections. Challenge your thinking. Keep informed. It’s your IPAA.